Monday, February 23, 2015

Toxic Pride

This blog is the companion to my book - Success Redefined: Abundant Life After Loss. I thought I was done only to have my editor tell me; while I had the makings of a quality book I was only about half done. With her guidance and God's leading I still hope to complete it (again - ha ha) this year. Part of my editors advice was to include spiritual application at the end of each chapter. I am going to use those as my blog post to keep both from going stagnant.                 

Chapter One 

Toxic Pride

Why is pride so toxic? Pride tells us we can handle it. It says we have it all under control; that we are the masters of our own destiny. God tells us He, and only He, is in control of all things. He created the universe and everything in it. He created everything, including us, on purpose and for a purpose. God has a purpose, a plan, a will, for every man, woman, boy, and girl. But most will never live out the life God has planned for them, because that requires surrendering their life plan to him and pride keeps them from doing that. If you are trying to find success, as defined by man, you are engaged in an exercise of futility. Giving up is typically not the advice given to find success, but in this case it is the first step that every other step builds on. Give up all attempts to live this life in your own strength and wisdom. Surrender your life fully to God. Accept His son Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Give Him control and a new life will begin. It may not look like a successful life to others, but I know finding God’s will and, with His help and guidance, living it out is a far more fulfilling, exciting, and joyful life than anything I could possibly accomplish on my own.